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Our Wastewater Systems: The Discharge Water Treatment System
About our Wastewater Systems
Evans Equipment provides water treatment equipment that captures and treats wash water, resulting in an environmentally compliant way for businesses to wash industrial equipment. We have three different wastewater systems: the closed-loop wastewater treatment, discharge water treatments, and filtration systems.
In our previous blog, we explained in detail how the closed-loop wastewater treatment system works. In this blog we will explain how the discharge water treatment system works. This wastewater treatment system uses the same equipment as the closed-loop system, but differs in the final connection.
The Discharge Water Treatment System
Evans Equipment & Environmental offers several industrial water filtration systems that will properly treat your wash water, making it safe for discharge.
How does it work?
With a discharge system, the pressure washer is supplied with fresh water, then the wash water is treated by the Water Treatment System to satisfy the requirements of the local Municipality. Once it is treated, it is then discharged to Sanitary Sewer.
This system is different from our other two wastewater systems in the fact that it discharges the water, therefore requiring less maintenance than that of a Recycle System. With a discharge system, you are required by the local Municipality to obtain permission to discharge by applying for a “Discharge Permit”.
Evans is your Design Partner
Evans Equipment & Environmental understands the importance of regulations during the wastewater treatment system design process. That’s why we ask the questions and do the research – to ensure that the solutions remain compliant.
Our team has the knowledge and resources to assist you with the solutions you need to create or modify your system design. We determine the best course of action to guarantee that your washpad operation is compliant with Federal and Local Regulations.
Give us a call at 1-800-377-5872 for a custom-built wastewater treatment system you can count on.