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Portable Wash Pad Maintenance – Maintain Now or Pay More Later
Case Study:
- Company “X” purchases portable wash pad and treatment system for $100K
- Company “X” decided against a preventative maintenance service
- Numerous sump pumps and the pressure washer began to fail
- Company “X” could no longer wash pipe at their facility costing the company $15,000 per day in down time
- Word about the system malfunction did not reach management until the next day
- Since the sumps went out, the system had to be evacuated at a cost $4,800
- Company “X” spent nearly $25,000 to repair the system
These Extra Costs Could Have Been Avoided
All of this occurred simply because the supply voltage to the system dropped to 200 volts instead of the required 230 volts. Had the voltage on the pumps been checked on a regular schedule, the downtime, repair cost and operational inefficiencies could have all been prevented.
After the pit was evacuated, and accounting for the repair of the sump pumps and pressure washer, Company “X” ended up spending more than $25,000 among the repair of the equipment, operational downtime and evacuation of the pit. Had Company “X” adhered to the maintenance schedule of the equipment, the expenses could have all been mitigated.
Do not let Company “X” be your company.
Evans Equipment & Environmental understands the cost savings that comes along with proper preventative maintenance on your equipment. Much like any piece of equipment, an ounce of prevention yields a pound of cure.
While Evans Equipment & Environmental designs its systems with the end user in mind and has an eye on minimal maintenance requirements, the equipment we provide must be regularly serviced for optimal performance.
Evans Environmental & Equipment is your Support Partner We are proud of the equipment we provide and want to ensure your operation is able to produce with little to no interruptions. As such, the above case study could have been prevented through a simple preventative maintenance schedule which would have only cost Company “X” $1,800 for six months. Call Evans Equipment today at 1-800-377-5872 and ask about our affordable maintenance contracts!